Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Exam Madness!!

I'm bloated. *burpp. Hahaa. Whotebaaar. x)). Anyways; eeeeeesh! Exam madness, yo! /: Exams coming in like.. less than a week. Ghad! Im so NOT readyy yet! Aiyoo~ hope i'll pass. And since im in science class, i HAVE to pass! /: So, maybe i'll be blogging again after exams are over. Shesh eh. =_=" My main problem is the pure sciences. /: Since im not that good in science, well. Im fine with Bio. Chemistry? Hmm. Okayy, i guess. But Physics? Ughh, KILL ME ALREADYY! I have nooooo idea whyy can't i understand a thing the teacher explains. ==" He kinda teaches us faaaast, which makes my brain NOT to connect with the subject. Hahaa. Weird, i knohh. =P.

i HATE Wednesdays. Well. Simply becaaaause:
1. Bahasa Melayu. - it's not that i HATE the subject. But everytime we're having that subject, i ALWAYS fall asleep. =_=' Hahaa.
2. English. - even tho were only having it for one period. Its not that i HATE that subject also, but the teacher, man! He gives likee. a THOUSAND homework almost every single lesson! =_=
3. POA. - aaargh. This subject drives me nuts. =_=' Its okayy, actually. But then, same reason. the TEACHER. she teaches waaay too fast. And she gets mad easily too! EshNess.

Alright. I think i have to go. Hahaa. I'll be studying REAL hard for my 4sci3 family. Just like what Tkahh said in her blog. I'd studyy for my class. I wouldnt wanna get kicked out of science class. Hahaa. I'll pass. WE'LL ALL PASS! :D. Hehee. Aiites. Til next time. Loves loves. :).

ii LOVE youu,
4sci3 Familyyy! <3.

Ellaaaa! <3.

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