Finally! National Day is here! :D. Hahaa. And guess what? I woke up at 430am. =_= Early, yeah? I knohh, i knohh. Coz' we HAVE to be in school by 530am. Ghad, it was sooooo fuhreagin' darkk, man! And hey! I was the first one to arrive, i mean the ones who join the marching. ;P. Then, came Mira. Hahaa. I wanna post the pictoo's but since i only have a few of it in my camera, just check dina's or adek's blog. I think they posted the other pictures. Hehee. :P.
in these photos ; Miraa. Adekk Rabii. Kaka Deena. Aziemahh. Atikahh. Halimatul. Ellaa.
See how dark it was that time? Hahaa. Told yaa so. :P. And we were even singing inside the bus on our way to the stadium. HAHA. Kiddies! :b. And me love it. :).
Anyways. Here's the pic's when we were goofing around. Since our marching would start at 9am plus! And we arrived there at like 7am something! =_=' Tiring, really. But fun. :D. And i'll post the rest of the pictures. :).
The dance was sooooo cool! And i am like sooo jealous. =_=
But who cares? Our marching RAWRS today! :D.

See how dark it was that time? Hahaa. Told yaa so. :P. And we were even singing inside the bus on our way to the stadium. HAHA. Kiddies! :b. And me love it. :).
Anyways. Here's the pic's when we were goofing around. Since our marching would start at 9am plus! And we arrived there at like 7am something! =_=' Tiring, really. But fun. :D. And i'll post the rest of the pictures. :).
Aziemah. Atikah. Halimatul.
And their on their way to the stadium! :D.
And their on their way to the stadium! :D.

But who cares? Our marching RAWRS today! :D.

Ella and Wanii. After the marching, we went up
and watched the other school perform. It was hot!
REALLY! Hahaa.
And the balloons were released! Yeaaay! :D.
It looked soooo fuhreagin' cool when it was high up
in the sky! They look liked candies! HAHAH!
and watched the other school perform. It was hot!
REALLY! Hahaa.

It looked soooo fuhreagin' cool when it was high up
in the sky! They look liked candies! HAHAH!
Aaaaand. These are the pictures of us. Onthewayy back to school. And while waiting for our mini bus to come and pick us up. hehee. And some pictures are the sci2 boys. Since they didnt reject the camera, i took their pictoo's. Hehee. :P. Aiites.
And that's about it. :D. Yeaaaay! Im tired. And guess what? IM NOT GOING TO SCHOOL TOMORROW! Yeeeeeeeeeay! HAHAHAHA! :P. Aiites, im out. :). Byeee!
and P.S. - im tired uploading pictures in my blog. soooo slow, man. =_=
Ellaaaa! <3.
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